Monday, October 4, 2010

A Second Chance: VIP Tickets to Pasadena Wine Festival Giveaway

Yes, it's another giveaway for Pasadena Wine Festival. This time they're upping the game and giving out TWO PAIRS of VIP tickets (worth $85 each), which gets you all the wine you'd care to drink in both the main and VIP tasting area, plus some food provided by Pala Casino.

The requirements are more demanding this time though. To enter to win, they want you to post on Pasadena Wine Festival's facebook EVENT page the following message:
"Gourmet Pigs, I want VIP tickets to the Pasadena Wine Festival!"

Now, the message has to link to both my facebook page and their facebook page, as above, which means you'd have to "like" both facebook pages if you haven't already and add an @ in front of the page names!
Once you post the message, let me know with a comment here.

The contest will end at midnight Wednesday Oct 6th and I will let the winners know on Thursday. Good luck!



I liked both sites but couldnt seem to get it to "link" when I put the phrase in (guess I'm a little tech-retarded). I would keep trying but just dont want to annoy the crap out of their site.
Cheers anyhow!

Kika Davis

I left the comment and tagged properly - you should be able to see it on your page.


I added the comment to their event page. Fingers crossed!


Pick me this time!


Added the comment to the page on Facebook!


Added! Hope i win! Thanks for this opportunity. :)


Yay! I left a comment! I'm coming from Canada to come to this!!


crossing more fingers!


Mine went through. Looking forward to the results.

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