Monday, August 25, 2008

CozmoDeck: May Be A Good Deal!

I found out about CozmoDeck not too long ago - a friend of mine got them for free from a shopping event and gave me a few cards.

So what is a CozmoDeck? It's a promotional tool for restaurants - each card in the CozmoDeck is a gift card that gives you $15 off a meal ($50 or more minimum order on FOOD ONLY).
Not bad, not bad ... since an uncustomized CozmoDeck is only $30 apparently. You can also get a customized one for $65 - this lets you get multiple gift cards from just the restaurants you want - 52 cards total, hence a "deck".

I got one for James Beach, Ciudad, and Pink Taco from my friend, Kat (and they were free! Even betta! Thanks Kat!)

You can see the list of participating restaurants on their website.
They have The Wilshire, Tagine, and Luna Park among others. It's actually a pretty good deal I think. $50 is pretty easy to do even with just two people at these places if you order dessert.

Oh, another note though! I won't recommend buying them now, since they expire December 29th, 2008! If the price remains the same next year, I may get myself one.


  1. Another tip -- the owner of CozmoDecks also runs DrinkEatPlay, which hosts various food/drink parties yearround (such as LA Cupcake Challenge and Gourmet Five-Year-Old Party), along with a good chance to get a free cozmodeck at the event.

  2. Ohh That's good to know! Thanks HC!

    I think the next one coming up is Around the World in 80 Sips (international wine tasting)? I'm not really a wine connoisseur, but I wonder if I should go .. :)

  3. If you do go, definitely get the tickets from goldstar (hope it's still available there) I think it's $45/person, which is a bit off from the $60/person price.

    I'm not a big wine connoisseur either , but I do look forward to wine tastings like this so that I can better find out about the different varietals/regions (the wine makers LOVE to talk and teach you about their wines) and to also find out what my palate likes.

  4. Oooh I want to go to the wine tasting event! I clicked on the DrinkEatPlay link and I got an error. =*( Am I missing something. Yes, I got teh CozmoDecks at the even and decided to share with Burumun. I haven't bought the LA Entertainment book in a while, but I feel that will be a better deal. If CozmoDecks get better restaurants to join then I would definitely buy the decks.
