Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Giveaway+Review: Pineapple Jerky!!

I was recently approached by Doug from Jerky.com to review their products and hold a giveaway on my site!
I checked out their website after that, of course. Jerky.com has a wide variety of beef jerky but I was most excited to see Venison, Elk, Buffalo and Ostrich jerky sections!

Apparently they are coming out with their own brand of jerky in March, but in the meantime they are holding this giveaway for some Pineapple Jerky. Yes, yes, pineapple jerky! I was originally expecting some beef jerky marinated in pineapple juice or something when I heard "pineapple jerky" but it truly was Pineapple, marinated in honey.

When I opened one of these bags in the car, the aroma just permeated the air and my friend who's driving just turned around and said "Whoaaa! That smells good!"
The pineapple jerky is chewy with a pretty concentrated pineapple flavor, but it's actually quite sweet (probably due to the honey). I love how this is not that tart, as the tartness of pineapples usually leave a bad aftertaste in my throat.

I can't really say I've had pineapple "jerky" before so if I were to say "this is the best ..." that wouldn't really fly would it :P ? Well, as far as "preserved pineapple of some sort" goes, this is the best one I've had.

I did check out the price afterwards and currently a 1/4 lb bag is going for $9.99 (retail $14.99) on their site - not cheap indeed, but the superior quality definitely shows. This would tend towards the higher end snack splurges for me.

In the meantime, though, you guys can win a bag for FREE! (who doesn't love free stuff, huh?)

So just leave your email address (or just some way to contact you) in the comments below, or if you don't want to leave your contact info, you can also just email me at gourmetpigs@gmail.com


  1. You weirdo! YOu're giving this away to strangers instead of sharing it? C'mon, give it to me!! :P

  2. I want! I want! Hmm. I wanna try ostrich jerky.

    My dad sometimes sends his deer and elk meat to a charcuterie to make into salami for him. It's good!

  3. pineapple and honey....mmmmmMMmm sounds yummy!! oooh me! me!

  4. This sounds really good. May Canadians enter?

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  5. ikkinlala: I'm so sorry, they won't ship to Canada at the moment :/ Hopefully at a later time tho!

  6. Yum! I want pineapple jerky!

    eatien at yahoo dot com

  7. Pineapple Jerky.. Sounds interesting.. Please pick me!

  8. Put me in the contest too, Fiona. I need to find out how this is different than dried pineapple

  9. I would love to try this. I love pineapple and it should be good as jerky too.

  10. oo i wanna try pineapple jerky hehe =) it looks good!

