Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chowzter Tastiest Fast Feast Global Awards in London

Last week I had the good fortune to be in London for Chowzter's 2nd Tastiest Fast Feasts global awards. I'm working with them on the Los Angeles "fast feasts" picks which you can check out here. My LA pick, #19 sandwich from Langer's, won their North American award last year.
Focusing on the local and authentic, unlike Pellegrino's World's 50 Best Restaurant List, Chowzter's picks are much more affordable and approachable - doner, pad thai, and Paseo's caribbean roast sandwich in Seattle were among the winners. The winner for Tastiest Fast Feast in Asia is a stuffed lechon in Manila. The lechon is Philippine's national dish but at this particular restaurant you can get it stuffed with truffles! Truffle-stuffed lechon! I want, so bad ...

The basic criteria is that it can't be from a fine dining restaurant, nor chains. Instead, we try to find hole in the wall restaurants, food trucks, shacks, and street stalls. Some mid-range restaurants are allowed, as long as they're just that good!
I also want this roast goose from Hong Kong ...
Seeing all the winning dishes really stirred up some wanderlust.
And the winner of the Tastiest Fast Feast on earth?? It's ceviche at a place called Chez Wong in Lima, Peru! Check out the video about it:

Check out the full list of winners. Disagree? Don't worry, Chowzter "retires" each year's winner to a hall of fame so that next year, a new crop of restaurants will be recognized and rewarded.

The awards was held at L'Anima Cafe, where we were greeted with charcuterie, spicy 'nduja, and a whole roasted hog.

There were freshly made pizza and pasta that were both impressive, considering the high volume the restaurant had to do that night.

At the very end, they announced that they've brought some of the Tastiest Bakery winning item, the fried jam croissant from nearby Albion Cafe! I actually had this the day before at the cafe, but I sure won't mind eating a few more.

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