Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Gelato, Gelato-Filled Macarons at Amarino (Boston, MA)

A new gelato shop has landed in Back Bay. Amorino is a chain started by two Italians - but first launched in Paris - that's making its way around the US. They use a special spatula to scoop your ice cream and promises to let you choose as many flavors as you like, no matter what size you buy. Even all 16 if you want.
The gelato itself was very good. I tried a bunch and really liked the chocolate (rich and dark, just the way I like it), salted caramel, and the mango sorbet. You can definitely taste that they use real mangoes.

They also have macarons, but not your run-off-the-mill maracons. They're filled with gelato!
Amorino Boston
They're starting out with 16 flavors (one of them rotate monthly) for now, and will move up to 24 when it gets warmer out.
Amorino Boston

I don't normally order ice cream cones because I'm way too messy, but if you do, they will shape your ice cream into a flower on top of the cone. Gelato flower. Can I get a dozen of those for Valentine instead or roses, please?

Amorino Boston

They also have waffles (topped with gelato), focaccina filled with gelato (or nutella), crepes, etc - along with good coffee and really thick hot chocolate. The seating area is pretty nice, making this a nice place to stop for desserts and coffee when you're in the Newbury St area.
Amorino Boston

Amorino Boston
249 Newbury St
Boston, MA
(617) 585-3185
Amorino on Urbanspoon

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