Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bites Around Ireland: Researching My Trip through TV Shows

What do you do when you're researching an upcoming destination that you're not familiar with? For me, I definitely turn to the Instagram pages of my friends and other travelers, and then I watch TV. Yep, TV.

For my recent trip to Ireland, I looked up the episodes from Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern, etc on Ireland. Thankfully, this "research" was painless and buffering-free thanks to the fast Verizon FiOs internet that has now landed in Dorchester.

I had to see what else I should be eating and drinking other than a ton of Guinness!

Unfortunately I couldn't go try all the places Bourdain went to - you can only do so much in 4 days!
The place I did try was Leo Burdock, which is Dublin's oldest "chipper" - what they call a traditional, take-away fish and chips place.
In Ireland, you can get your fish and chips with either fresh fish or smoked fish. Since I've never had one with smoked cod, that's what I ordered here. I still prefer fresh, but glad I tried the smoked one so I know what it's like! My visit here also kind of spurred a "fish and chips" hunt throughout my trip.

The best fish and chips I had on this trip was actually at Reel Dingle Fish in Dingle, on the other coast of the country.

In his No Reservations episode, Bourdain also tried some Irish cheeses. I know Ireland has tons of cows and sheep, but I never really associated it with cheese before (just Kerrygold butter!). I got an Irish cheese sampler at The Larder in Dublin.
Incidentally, my favorite cheese on the plate was the smoked Gubbeen, which came from Gubbeen Family Farms. The Gubbeen Family Farms was number one on Andrew Zimmern's Top 5 list for Ireland.

How do you research for a trip? If you have other food/travel TV shows I should check out, please let me know in the comments! :)

Disclosure: This post was done in collaboration with Verizon FiOs to promote their launch in the Boston market.

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