Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Greek Fest. Opa!

As you can see from the "upcoming food events" calendar, this month is crazy! This past weekend was both the Long Beach lobster fest and also the LA Greek Festival at the St Sophia Cathedral.
On Saturday I decided to check out the Greek Fest with a friend of mine. Silly me didn't check the time, so I went there at noon and .... they don't open til 1 pm. D'oh!!! What kind of festival opens so late >_< Oh well. We swung by Wien Bakery real quick then came back.

I ran into LA&OC Foodie while waiting in line. Small foodie world :)

Upon entering we were greeted by this fine man in toga who was handing out FREE grapes. Cool guy in toga giving out free food - what more can you ask for?

Inside the festival, there's a looong line to the food court. We waited there for a bit then decided that we really would rather have some gyros instead! So we left the line and went around the corner, where they are slicing up some gyros.
Gyros ($8) in my hand, we went to find a seat. They had a nice seating area near the dance stage - but most of them were taken already. We finally managed to find one way in the back though.
The gyros were great! Delicious and the meat was pretty good quality. I also like the fresh pita that they were wrapped in.

Of course you can't forget to grab a bunch of pastries either to eat there or on the way out! Their selection was not bad. I got some baklava (of course!)
The baklava was delish! Crunchy flaky buttered pastries .. yumm.

I also got some kataifi (I get the ones with nuts in them, do you guys notice?)
The pastries are pretty good and I should've bought more baklava!! Sigh, darn you stingy gourmet pig >_<

Overall I thought the festival was pretty fun and the food was great. It was kind of small though and there was not much to see otherwise. There was a cooking demo at certain times, and also a salsa performance - which I still don't understand the connection to a Greek festival ...


  1. Glad you had a good time overall; if you plan to go next year, the cooking demos are definitely worth it (esp. since you can taste the prepared dishes afterwards)... not to mention getting discounted tix ahead of time!

    As for the salsa, I'm guessing the connection is that the church is in the Byzantine-Latino Quarter, so they included a mix of Latino elements as well to reflect the community it's in.

    There was also a Greek dance class that I partook in, that was NOT pretty!

  2. I feel left out Burumun! I am going to "unfriend" you now lol. How can you and Q go without me?? I didn't even get a fake invite. That's it... I am leaving you to hang out with Q ALL the time! lol O=9

  3. Aww don't do that :>
    This was a last minute thing! As Q called me Friday night as I was having din din! We go together next time!
