Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anniversaries, Giveaways, Fat, and Pungentness

My one year blogiversary is coming up! Is that a real word or did I just make it up?
Anyways, I decided to do not one, but TWO special things to celebrate!! (celebrating is just an excuse, I just want to do it)
I need your input and I'm turning this into my one-year-anniversary-blog-giveaway-contest.

So the background: I am planning: 1) a foie gras crawl, and 2) a durian crawl.
Am I kidding? Am I /ever/ kidding? I am totally serious. Not on the same day of course.
Well, maybe.

So here's what I've come up with for #1) foie gras w/ eggplant at Orris, and foie gras with mac&cheese and black truffles at Chaya Brasserie. What other particular foie gras dish should I include? The rule is that it has to be on their regular menu - otherwise the whole plan will go down the drain!

For #2) durian smoothie from Simpang Asia, sticky rice with durian --> where?
Fresh durian from the Ranch 99 in SGV area. Any other durian foodstuff and where can I get them?


You guys post what dish I should get for either #1 or #2 and where.
Post your suggestions in the comments section and include your email address so I can contact the winner.
You have until the date of my first post - Oct 23rd.

THE PRIZE: Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations DVD


  1. I like both, but find foie gras more celebratory-worthy :)

    Even though they specialize more in seafood, I'd definitely give Providence's foie gras preparations (they have three on their regular menu) a try! I know they kind of rotate their menu seasonally so best to call and check :)

  2. ohhh, you're doing the prize thing like Delicious Life. Nice ploy.

    Foie gras! I rarely get foie gras at a restaurant, but I would dedicate a whole day and make Thomas Keller's torchons of foie gras and eat that, and then roast an entire lobe of foie gras like he shows in the French Laundry Cookbook! A relatively inexpensive place to get whole lobes of foie gras is Nicole's Gourmet Foods in South Pasadena.

  3. yeah I thought I would take all of you out to eat for the anniversary but my lottery ticket numbers didn't come up :)

    Roasting an entire lobe of foie gras ... nice! Maybe I'll end the crawl with that :P

  4. Happy blogversary--I would give some recs on foie gras, but I literally had that for 10 straight days in Paris so I can't look at/eat it for a while. That DVD is great, btw.

  5. It's a blogiversary! huzzah! unfortunately i will be no help because I can't eat either/or.

  6. I'm a newbie blogger so I'm thrilled to see blogs aren't a phase ;) I'd pick foie gras with mac&cheese and black truffles at Chaya Brasserie! Many thanks!

  7. how about a foie gras buger? not that hard to find

    a whole loaf of foie would be quite killer expensive, but i did participate in a foie cook-off once. 1 of the ways was to do a foie banh-mi and it turned out exceedingly well.

  8. foie gras burger...db bistro moderne, anyone?

    a lobe of foie gras runs you like $60 bucks, especially the grade B (not that bad). ok, foie gras with pickled cherries or fresh figs, foie gras burger, foie gras mac& cheese, NEXT: foie gras ice cream from scoops! I can ask Tai to make you some.

  9. I had a foie gras stuffed burger, good, but not really all that. :\

    Oooh, let me know if you have the date for foie gras ice cream!

  10. I'll talk to Tai and see if he's willing to make foie gras ice cream for a bunch of bloggers, to commemorate Gourmet Pig's anniversary, and also contrast today's sinking economy. If we can't get our foie gras at restaurants, then we'll get it for $2.75 a scoops at Scoops!

  11. foie gras ice cream would be sooo awesome! Even if he won't do it for $2.75 per scoops we should still have him make some! We'll pay fair market value :P

  12. I read on your Twitter that you are doing a durian marathon?! How exciting! Can't wait to read more about it, and I'm loving your blog.
