Monday, February 2, 2009

dineLA 09: Lunch at Ocean and Vine

The truffled cheese sandwich on the menu lured us to lunch at Ocean and Vine. As it turns out, Ocean and Vine isn't open for lunch on weekends but we were able to get the dineLA menu at the lounge inside the same hotel (Loews), Papillon. Papillon boasts a nice ocean view, especially if you're strong enough to brave the cold and sit outside (we weren't!).

On to the food. We all got the same appetizer (seems to be most worthwhile compared to salads): Laughing Bird Shrimp Tempura - Wasabi Aioli, Sweet Chili Dipping Sauce
It came with three separate dipping sauces(cocktail, "sweet chili" - think fish sauce with chili, and wasabi aioli), which makes it more fun!

The shrimps were not that big, but were nicely crisp and light. It wasn't too greasy or too bready. Portions were also quite generous.

I got the Entree Option #1: Grilled Truffle Cheese Sandwich - With a cup of Heirloom Tomato Soup
The tomato soup was surprisingly very good!

The truffled cheese sandwich was pretty pungent with truffles, but my sandwich was not grilled enough :/
The cheese has not really melted and so the sandwich tasted rather dry. It was better when I dip it into the soup - but then that loses some of the truffle essence. My friend's sandwich seems to have been better prepared and she really enjoyed it.

Entree Option #2: Baja "Macaroni and Cheese" - Shrimp, Lump Crab, Baja Sea Scallops, Cavatapi Pasta
This wasn't cheesy enough for my taste - or for what I imagine to be "mac n cheese". It was a decent 'seafood pasta' although nothing outstanding.

The third option was a salmon dish, which this other girl ordered. Apparently it was overcooked though.

To end the meal, I got Dessert Option #1: Valrhona Chocolate Raspberry Cake
Good chocolate cake, rich and dense. Nothing outstanding, but definitely very enjoyable.

Dessert Option #2: Cinnamon Funnel Cake - Berries, Strawberry Ice Cream
This funnel cake tasted more like a crispy doughnut, but nonetheless we did enjoy it. It was somewhat dense, but eating it with the ice cream helps a lot.

Lunch cost us $22 per person. The food was nothing outstanding, but good and solid, and the portions were generous - so if you're looking for a dineLA lunch place, this may be an option to consider.

Ocean and Vine
1700 Ocean Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Ocean and Vine on Urbanspoon


  1. How do you decide what restaurants are worth going to??? I'm always sad when I see a gorgeous dessert that only tastes blah...maybe I have overly high expectations. hehehe

  2. It was hard to decide - and yes, I also always look forward to desserts and am often disappointed!

    For dineLA though I just go through the menu they've posted online and see if it at least sounds like it's worth the fixed price. Hits and misses, what can you do ...

  3. Ah, the funnel cake is very pretty. However, I don't know if I can eat a funnel cake outside of a carnival setting
