Monday, June 15, 2009

MxMo: Ginger Sangria (My first MxMo!)

For some reason I told Rumdood I'll join in on the Mixology Monday. I don't know why ...

"Pick a recipe with ginger in it, write a blog post on it."

Sounds easy enough, and I've been wanting to try making a ginger sangria. So I went to TJ and got some fruits. Suddenly I find myself with a pot of sangria in the kitchen and sipping a glass before 6 PM on a Monday. How dangerous ...
Ginger Sangria

1 bottle dry white wine
1 oz Tuaca
1 tbsp Honey
2 Navel oranges, sliced
1 Peach, sliced and diced
1 Red Apple, sliced and diced
1 fresh ginger (abt 3 oz), peeled. Slice and dice 3/4 of the ginger, and grate the rest.

Throw everything in a pot, let soak for at least 2 hours. Easy schmeazy. Oh yeah, and chill.

Add a dash of Angostura bitters to your glass if desired.


  1. Mmmm, very tasty. Thanks for the sample Fiona!

  2. yum! and nice photo! my muscles are sore, but not as sore as last night. we need to make running a priority in our foodie lives!

  3. Sounds like something I could drink til I got a raging headache. Seriously, can't wait to try it at home.

  4. I always have the hardest time peeling ginger. Sounds refreshing though. It would be great to have a pitcher on a hot day
