Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strawberry Fest! 2009

We kicked off summer and its lineup of food festivals with the Strawberry Fest in Oxnard (and, hey, it's right by the outlet stores ...). I went with some friends including former roomie turned fellow blogger Kat's 9 Lives.

Various food and arts stalls abound, including your typical festival foods such as corn on the cob, smoked turkey leg (which was delicious, btw), and even some chains that surprised me like Jamba Juice.

And of course, there were tons of strawberry-related food and drinks, including strawberry beer/wine, strawberry lemonade, and strawberry crepe shown below:
This was a pretty good and heavy duty crepe! Filled not just with fresh, sweet, strawberries but topped with chocolate whipped cream and powdered sugar! We're definitely not counting calories here.

Choclate-dipped strawberries were not cheap at about $2 each (or $10 for 6) but those big strawberries looked good so we got some that were made by this temple organization.

Umm, delicious, juicy, sweet strawberries covered in good, dark chocolate.
Let's take another look :P

No festival is complete without funnel cakes. There was only one funnel cake vendor, which was operated by a local high school, so we got in the long line and got one to share.

The funnel cake had perfect thickness such that it had a crispy fried outer layer but moist dough inside. The syruped strawberries were so-so and lacking in quantity -- the funnel cake with just powdered sugar was already so delicious, but just wished we hadn't paid extra for the strawberries.

Naturally we can't go home without buying at least a flat of strawberries to take home! We saw two farms selling fresh strawberries right next to each other. One had strawberries that are bigger and juicier, but the other had ones that are sweeter.

Oh, the decisions ... we bought 3 flats to take home :P

1 comment:

  1. many strawberries! I need to visit some food festivals this year. At first, I thought the chocolate whipped cream on the crepe was soft serve chocolate ice cream! It didn't look like whipped cream to me :).

    The strawberries look really good! So giant too. I've only encountered a giant strawberry once this year excluding your picture.
