Monday, October 26, 2009

On Video: Make Jalapeno Chocolate Mousse with Chef Ludo!

Before I start blogging about LA Mag's The Food Event that happened yesterday, I thought I'd give you guys a sneak preview.

Besides plenty of food and wine, we also had the pleasure of watching celebrity chefs giving cooking demonstrations, including Chef Ludo Lefebvre (remember how many of your bloggers loved Ludobites?)

Well, I know you all would want to see this, so here you go: Chef Ludo showing you how to make his spicy jalapeno chocolate mousse, "good for Valentine's", and talking about French girls. Oh and sorry about the cuts, my arm got tired.


  1. Thanks for putting this video up! I have my work cut out for me! ;)

    Lindsay ( aka the "English Teacher"

  2. Ludo is a sexy dude huh? Did I just say that? =P

    Your arm can't get tired! No excuses! :)
