Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bid and Eat for Haiti! Announcing a Fundraising Online Auction

Starting Friday Feb 5, 2010, I will be holding an online silent auction to benefit CHF International and Operation USA for their Haiti relief efforts!

Various Los Angeles restaurants, coffee shops, and chefs have generously donated gift cards and other items that you can bid on via Bid and Eat!

All proceeds from this auction will go to the two charities mentioned above, so please take the time to peruse the item and bid on this website!

About CHF International’s Efforts in Haiti:

CHF International responded to the earthquake immediately. We have a team of around 170 staff in Haiti, including many infrastructure and construction experts, who have been undertaking one of the largest USAID funded infrastructure rehabilitation and job creation programs in Haiti since 2006, and who have been responsible for repairing vital infrastructure damaged in the 2008 tropical storm season.

CHF is assisting relief efforts in the immediate aftermath, and then we will focus on the needs of the people as they transition from basic survival to recovery. This includes some of CHF’s areas of greatest expertise such as building ‘transitional shelters’; temporary homes that meet international standards where a family can live during the recovery period; helping to generate livelihoods, by employing people in the clean up of their community; and aiding reconstruction efforts by creating earthquake resistant buildings.

About Operation USA:

Operation USA helps communities alleviate the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty throughout the world by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid. We provide material and financial assistance to grassroots organizations that promote sustainable development, leadership and capacity building, income generating activities, provide education and health services, and advocate on behalf of vulnerable people.


This auction will start on Friday Feb 5, 2010 and runs until midnight of Tuesday Feb 9, 2010 , so you can only bid on items between those times!

This should give you plenty of time to browse and bid.


A big thank you to all the generous donors!

All of the donors are listed below:

Allston Yacht Club

Bond St. Beverly Hills
iHerb, inc.
Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea
Jian BBQ
Petrossian West Hollywood
Pizzeria Ortica
Rush Street
Wine Detective
... and a little something from moi ;)

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