Monday, July 19, 2010

Walk Beverly Blvd with Food GPS for a Progressive Meal

This Sunday, July 25th fellow foodblogger Food GPS is holding a walking tour of Beverly Blvd. A walking/eating tour, naturally. He will guide participants to Eva Restaurant, BLD, Milk, and The Golden State where each chef will serve up one dish/treat/drink. It's supposed to be 74 degrees that day so it would be a pleasant walk filled with good food.

(Image borrowed from the FoodGPS website)

The walking tour starts at 3 pm at Eva Restaurant (rumor has it they will be serving their ever popular fried chicken!).

Tickets are $45 per person (all inclusive) and can be purchased here. If you have any further question ... don't ask me. Contact Josh the Food GPS at


  1. So is this like a guided food marathon???

  2. Yep one that involved special dishes and *gasp* actual walking.
