Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Jerks Filet Mignon Jerky and Launch Party

by: @gourmetpigs and guest blogger Bryan Tsunoda @bstunoda

Three Jerks Jerky, made with 100% filet mignon, was some of the best beef jerky I've had. "Jerky" brings to mind the tough, chewy stuff you get at the grocery store, but Three Jerks' is very tender. At the moment they come in three flavors: Original, which is a tad sweet, Memphis BBQ which is surprisingly spicy, and Chipotle Adobo (I originally expected this to be the spicy one, but don't be fooled by the BBQ).
Photo courtesy of Three Jerks Jerky
Three Jerks Jerky held a launch party and I sent guest blogger Bryan to cover it for the blog. Here's his post:

Three Jerks recently held their launch party at SHOREBar in Santa Monica and I had the great opportunity to experience the event. SHOREBar is located on Channel Road just east of Pacific Coast Hwy in Santa Monica. It has a cool atmosphere, is dimly lit, and has a modern design. A DJ kept the music lively that evening.
Three Jerks, which is located in Venice, was started by three friends: Daniel Fogelson and Jordan Barrocas (the third is no longer with the company). After meeting them, I can attest that they are definitely not jerks. In finding the best possible taste experience, they finally decided to use filet mignon due to it having the least amount of fat. In addition, Three Jerks uses no nitrates or preservatives, making their jerky a much healthier alternative (be sure to refrigerate after opening, though).

DSCF0622SHOREBar did an outstanding job in hosting the Three Jerks launch party. Each appetizer had Three Jerks’ jerky as part of the ingredients. The whipped blue cheese with jerky was tasty as well as the beef sliders. Even the cocktails were infused with jerky strips.

Three different jerkys were served: original, chipotle adobo and Memphis rub.
Biting into a slice of their jerky is an experience that any jerky lover needs to experience. When you bite into it, your teeth actually sink into the jerky and you can eat it without looking like a caveman. The high quality filet mignon is evident as the taste is superior to other brands I’ve had.
Daniel explained that the Memphis rub is the same rub that he developed for ribs and chops and it happened to work well with jerky. The Memphis BBQ taste is there and after you take a couple of bites, you suddenly feel the ‘heat’ factor. The Chipotle Adobo was an accidental finding. Daniel had an adobo recipe and decided to combine it with Jordan’s chipotle glaze. The result is a very satisfyingly sweet and tangy jerky. That happened to be my favorite of the three served.

Right now, you can buy the jerky online on Three Jerks' website, and hopefully they will come soon to more retail stores!

Three Jerks
(424) 703-JERK (5375)

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